Friday, October 3, 2008

Shipment Arrives!

Yay! Our shipment finally made it down under...and now we have lots of unpacking to do! Our "guest room" is full of 28 boxes - which contain everything I need to turn this white apartment into our HOME! My mission today: unpack all of the boxes and "Karisize" 3/11 Colin Street before T-man gets home from work!

Our soft comfy sheets are in there somewhere just waiting for me!

So is my Santuku knife!

Unpacking a shipment just isn't the same without you, Kelly!!! I miss you SO much!


Rufus said...

Well, it looks like you have it all "wrapped up"...(add the Austin Powers eyebrow going up when you read this)!

fleur said...

Looks like a big job but it will be so nice to have your own stuff to make it feel more like home. Just make sure to keep exploring the 'neighborhood' during breaks from unpacking...and keep posting those pics - can't wait to see the 'Karis-ized' apt! :)

The Sadlers said...

I wish I was there to help you unpack!! Seeing those boxes brought back memories! I love you! y mk,hj ko g jfdhfdipkpp fdk kkoolokfkokokn ng ujkh hn!(from Sweet T)

The Family Guy said...

I am enjoying your blog. I hope you guys have a wonderful time. We love you and are thinking of you. I hope Tyson is able to get all of his shows online!