Monday, December 1, 2008

We are THANKFUL...

I think we can easily take for granted how much Thanksgiving, a simple holiday in the US but an ordinary day in any other country, actually means to us.  This year, Tyson and I were lucky enough to be reminded of exactly that.  We were reminded of how much we love our families, how thankful we are for them, and how special that one holiday truly is.  We were reminded that Thanksgiving is more than a meal - it's a feeling, a memory and the deepest sense of family and fellowship.  It's the smell of a roasting turkey that miraculously turns out delicious every single year, the buzz of familiar and happy voices all around the house, the sound of a football game on in the background.  It's a hand-held blessing before the feast, reminiscing about previous Thanksgiving's as we eat, a mother's touch in every bite, and a nap next to your dad, sister or brother when you've eaten so much you just can't move.  It's late night turkey sandwiches, football and movies, and of course, pumpkin pie.  It's 25 Thanksgiving's that you've been surrounded by the love of your entire family and the tradition of the day.  This year was Tyson and I's 26th Thanksgiving - and the first we've spent without any of those things that we so easily took for granted before.  This year was the first year that mom wasn't there to do the cooking, dad wasn't there to cut the turkey, and football was nowhere to be found.  Even though nearly every single thing about our Thanksgiving this year was different than what we're used to, there was one thing that remained the same.  That we are thankful.  More than ever, we are thankful for God's grace, thankful for the love of our incredibly amazing families, and thankful for the treasured friendships that we miss so very much.  I am thankful for mom's across America that spend DAYS preparing a meal that brings families together and creates such special memories.  Mom and sweet mom-in-law - have we ever thanked you for that?  I tried to recreate what you do for us each Thanksgiving, and I was completely exhausted by the time we sat down to eat.  I have never had such admiration and thankfulness in my heart for the hands that have prepared my 25 Thanksgiving dinners.  This year, we are thankful that God brought us on this amazing adventure so that next year, we will truly appreciate each and every part of what makes Thanksgiving special. This year, Tyson and I feel blessed that we were able to sit at our little table in Perth, Australia over a delicious meal and give thanks for each other and for every single one of you.  

To both of my moms - I can't possibly fill your shoes!  But here I am, ready to try!

When my sweet husband got home from work he did the dishes while I finished cooking!

And then he carved our very first ham!

And, he set the table!  What a precious man he is!

I might've overprepared for just the two of us, don't you think?

It wasn't quite the same as what we've been spoiled by in the past from our mom's, but I must admit, it came pretty close!

How could Tyson do Thanksgiving without the Cowboys you ask?  He woke up at 6am the next day to watch it on the computer!

All decked out to support his boys!

A quick change and he's rooting for his Aggies!  Some things will never ever change!


fleur said...

We are thankful for you guys too - and how we can live vicariously through your adventures in Australia! Way to go on making your own Thanksgiving dinner. :)

P.S. Tyson has a mustache!?!!

Rufus said...

Love the stache Tyson!!!!

Also, we are thankful for the both of you as well!

Great thoughts, Karis!

Nona and Papa said...

You made me cry!! I absoulutely love skype!! everyone should get it and they will love talking to you like we do..we will be there in 17 days!! Can't wait for our Aussie will be so ready for us to leave..but can't wait to get there...we love you and thank you for all the wonderful memories you have given to us!! See you soon, love MOM

Jill said...

Hi Karis,
We missed you when we finally made it to Casswell Cove! I can see why you missed all of them, I miss them too, and wish we lived closer!
We loved the dogs, and I took a picture of them and will try to send it to you if I can figure out how. This is my first attempt at blogging :)
Enjoy that wild group, and Merry Christmas to you and Tyson!
Jill...and Rick and Clint and Allie

Unknown said...

Johnny and I love the wardrobe change..hilarious. Whats up with the mustache??!

Hiram Trillo Photography said...

I've checked your blog a few times, simply out of curiousity-you're living a dream right now...and one of mine! I have to travel to Australia if I go anywhere else. hehe. Anyway, reading your Thanksgiving bit really reminded me of how I felt when I was in university and my parents still lived in Oman-I couldn't go home for Thanksgiving. There were always very welcoming homes to go to, but not always my own or my family's home. It really does make you that much more thankful!
You sound wise beyond your years!! Enjoy the rest of your stay there!
~Nancy (O'Dell) Trillo