Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend Getaway!

This year was a year for firsts when it comes to celebrating Thanksgiving!  We planned a weekend road trip to the Margaret River area (famous for it's beautiful beaches and wineries)  with our friends.  We rented a house to stay in - literally called "The White House" - in the quaint beach town of Dunsborough.  We had an absolutely wonderful weekend filled with memories, exploring and best of all, fun with friends!  I hope you enjoy looking at the pictures of how we were fortunate enough to spend our Australian Thanksgiving!

After 3 hours in the car...we made it!  The house is beautiful and the group (James, Adrian,  Alison & Pete, Hammam & Noha, K&T ) is ready for a fab weekend together!
Is he not adorable with his mo (mustache that he grew out for the month of MOvember to promote men's health awareness in AU) and Aussie hat!!?!

The lovely ladies!  

A toast to the brand new Auntie Alison!  Her nephew, Joseph James, was born in Scotland just yesterday!

We played Catch Phrase after dinner and this crazy boy made it so much fun!

More fun is Pictionary!?!  Especially when you cannot draw whatsoever!

Saturday morning we woke up and had a scrumptious homemade brekky at the house, and then we set out for a day full of exploring!  Our first stop, the Leeuwin Lighthouse!

It's beautiful!

We climbed to the top and we actually saw whales out in the distance blowing through their blow holes!!  It's the season for migration and this coast is famous for the whales!

Ahhh...another lovely view!  Does this ever get old??

A crazy looking Aussie plant of some sort...doesn't it just look like it belongs right in the Outback?

It's a Magie Eye!  Can you spot the creature in this picture??


Nona and Papa said...

Looks like you are making great memories and what an adventure!
See you soon..15 days and counting!
love you guys, Mom

Rufus said...

Your mom is right...and still loving Tyson's MOvember 'stache. Maybe he can keep it for 'Stachember!