Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Knee Deep

A trip to the Margaret River region would not be complete without a visit to at least one of their several hundred wineries! (okay, maybe a slight exaggeration - but there literally are TONS of them!)  We stopped in at one called Knee Deep to test out their wines - and we were not disappointed!  All of the tastings are free, which is just brilliant because then you figure out which ones you like and if you want to buy a bottle to take home.  Then again, it might not be so brilliant for your wallet if you like all of them and want to buy a bottle of each!  The vineyards in this area are so pretty and I just love looking out over field upon field of grapes!

I had the urge to pick some of those grapes...but I thought the lovely people at Knee Deep would probably not appreciate it.

A perfect picture posing spot for AFTER tasting their wines! :)

K & T

1 comment:

Rufus said...

Did you have a designated driver? (Safety check)