Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Quiz Night!

On Halloween we went to a "quiz night" that Mustang (Tyson's company) put on.  It's such a neat idea...put a team together and play against others by answering the most random trivia questions imaginable while eating dinner and having drinks provided by the company!  The "social committee" decorated the board room with Halloween decos and put on such a fun night for us!  While we were by far the "youngest" team and felt as though we knew the answers to maybe three questions total (out of the 80 possible!) we actually walked away with the most prizes won by a team!! :)  The prize we're most proud of was for BEST team name....Les Quizerrables!!

Here we are, Les Quizerrables!  K, T, James, Pete and Michelle (she works with them)

YES!  Best team name ever!  And hello?!  Best prize possible...Ferrero Rocher!

T-man won us another prize for being the first to answer a random question that was asked half-way through the quiz.  He's so kind and offered to share the chocolatey champagne with the skeleton.
If you know my husband, you know that he's just slightly competitive.  Notice how hard he's focusing on our answers and winning the "task at hand".  If you know me, you know that I have an undeniable sweet tooth.  Notice how hard I'm focusing on all of the chocolates.  And notice Pete - he's focusing on drinking the chocolates out of the champagne bottle.
Perhaps the above picture depicts why this one looks the way it does....we got another prize, but this time it was for LAST place.  We blame it on our youth.  We might've lost the quiz, but we certainly had fun doing it!!

1 comment:

Rufus said...

Last place? C'mon...