Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What exactly is a QUOKKA?

In order to solve this mystery, you'll have to come visit and let us take you to Rottnest Island! Easily mistaken for a "rodent" - the man who first discovered the island also discovered that these furry creatures are everywhere! He thought they were rats, and hence the name, Rottnest Island. They're actually small wallabies and they're strangely cute! Their tails weird me out just a bit, because it does make them look a lot like rats - but they're super friendly and they let us get right up close to them! Yesterday we celebrated the Queen's Birthday (it was a Monday off of work, so Tyson was happy!) by catching a ferry with James and Adrian (they're here from the UK office of Mustang, but we actually knew James from when he lived in Houston for a year for the exchange program there) and heading 25 mins out to sea to explore Rottnest Island. Among the countless gorgeous beaches, we saw LOTS of Aussie wildlife...several quokkas, a snake, a scary looking lizard that closely resembles a snake, a peacock, and the best of all - on the ferry ride back we saw 2 WHALES!! It was amazing! I wasn't able to snap a picture of them - but it's a sight that we'll never forget!

A Quokka! They're kind of cute, huh!?

The main "jetty" or port on the island. Loads of people drive their own boats/yachts over and anchor here - Mom & Dad - why not purchase one of these boats to add to your collection?!

Ty & James - thanking the queen for the day off!

The quokkas will come right up to you and beg for food!

We set off on a hike around the island and found this lighthouse!

It's the first real lighthouse I've ever seen!

Gorgeous view from the lighthouse


It was a long way down to the beach - but I couldn't wait to feel the water! It was BURRRRY!

My mom apparently felt left out and she's not lying when she says she can't wait to get here - she called during our exploration so that we wouldn't forget her! What a sweet surprise! :)

The Schweets!

After lots of walking around - we decided it was the perfect time for a cold beer on the beach!

The guys!

The scary looking lizard that I nearly stepped on!

The majority of the beaches on the island are people free! We were the only ones around for miles and had this whole strip of beach all to ourselves!

Not too bad for our own personal beach. This is heaven to me!

Well, it wouldn't be heaven without my handsome hubby!

He claims he doesn't tan well - but I think he looks like he fits perfectly on this beach! And yes Mom, I did make sure we both had on tons of sunscreen!

Literally in the middle of nowhere on Rottnest!

A peacock out wandering around! Tyson tried to make it open it's feathers, but this peacock was not cooperating!

It's been really hard to adjust to living here....can't you tell?! :)


Pame Recetas said...

Great, sweet blog full of love for the environment and human kind (specially the one next to you!) Loved the day off thanks to Her Majesty. Don't know how I got here, but I'm sure I'll be back anytime! Greetings from South America

Rufus said...

This is a virtual paradise from the Blogs. K-you need to be scouting out places for a possible place to put the CT Compound. With the economy about to tank, these beaches in the pics you are posting look very inviting!