Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter on the FARM! Part IV

The last day on the farm was probably the most memorable for me!  I am now a true farm girl.  See the pictures to find out why!

This cow has been separated from her calf for a day and if you notice the size of her utter, she's ready to be milked.

And that's where I come in.  Karis the Cow Milker.  With a few tips from Meg's sweet mom, I was ready to go!

And I'm not quite sure what to think at first....

I have never in my life been this close to a cow...literally!

I started to get the hang of it and the milk was flowing!

Now THAT'S what I call fresh!

Meg was documenting this entire experience.  Here was an onlooker she found watching from the fence!!
I am now totally loving this!  Look - 2 hands!!

Another onlooker.  This calf wants it's mom and the milk that's in my bucket!  Is it wrong to be proud of myself for stealing from such a precious thing??  

Just LOOK at all that MILK!!  I have entered into a whole new area of my life.  Farm Girl.  And I love it!

After milking, we were nice and fed some of the cows who stayed around hoping for some grain.

And were they ever hungry!!!

Time to filter the milk before we....

DRINK IT!!! :)  YUM, YUM!  We're having it in an iced coffee here, but we BOTH (yes, huge props to my husband for trying new things!) tried it by itself and guess what?!  Believe it or not, it tastes just like MILK! :)  

This is where I learned my tough farm-girl ways.  Beautiful Meg Middleton is ready to take me out on the tractor to feed some more cows.

Meg's super sweet dad did the driving for us though!

The minute they heard the tractor they came a runnin'!

It's amazing how they just know to come and get their hay....

The cows have now been milked AND work here is done. :)

It wasn't hard for Tyson & I to understand why Paul & Meg are such KIND people after we met both of their families.  They learned from their parents for sure.  They spoiled us as if we were their own children and gave us chocolate Easter bunnies.

The bunnies felt the need to nuzzle a bit.

Here we are with Paul's mom - the giver of these beautiful Easter bunnies!

K&T on a chocolate high after a simply perfect weekend with simply amazing friends.


fleur said...

That's awesome, Karis. After hearing about your milking experience, it was great to see the pics to go along with my vision of you milking a cow!!

Rufus said...

There are many comments I thought of, but must keep to myself...hold on while I laugh at a few of them.....wait, still laughing....

It does look fun!