Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Remarkable New Zealand - Day 6!

We couldn't possibly see the glaciers without actually walking on one of today, we took a half-day walk/tour of Fox Glacier.  It was SO awesome and an experience we will never, ever forget!  It took quite an exhausting hike to get up the mountain and onto the glacier, but once on the ice, it was by far worth it.  Every day the guides at the glacier company have to go onto the glacier and take turns "cutting" and carving out steps with their axes so they can take tour groups like ours all around the ice.  It really was an amazing experience to be on top of a glacier - but it was even more amazing to crawl through it!!!  T & I had such a fun time and we loved exploring the glacier!  After our tour was over, we were on the road again and heading south to Lake Wanaka.  Guess what?  We stopped several times again for more pictures!!!  Are you noticing a theme for this road trip!?  We saw the beaches of the west coast (beautiful!!), drove through a rainforest, through snowy mountains, and came out at the most insanely gorgeous sight of the whole entire trip - Lake Hawea and Lake Wanaka.  Lake Hawea is again, that deep, brilliant aqua blue and is surrounded by sharp, stunning hills.  I have never in my life seen a place that is so breathtaking.  I can say that the sights we saw on the drive between Lake Hawea and Lake Wanaka are literally the prettiest, most beautiful places I have ever seen in my (almost) 27 years of life.  Hands-down, without a doubt.  The bummer is, and this is a huge bummer, that my pictures don't even come close to capturing how truly gorgeous it is.  They didn't turn out at all, and it's so unfortunate because I wanted to show all of you how pretty it was!  Then again, I can't help but think that I'm just so blessed that I got to share such an awesome sight with such an outstanding man.  The pictures will remain memories in our hearts forever.    


Rufus said...

The glacier with the ice steps look like the ice palace in James Bond's The World is Not Enough!

This trip was awesome! WE WANT MORE!!! WE WANT MORE!!!! (cell phones are out acting like lighters in a crowded concert hall)

fleur said...

That glacier is AMAZING...and the water so blue...totally wish we could have been there with you. Question: what is a crampon?

Rufus said...

There is a joke in your question Nancy! I will keep it to myself...

Unknown said...

Amazing pictures!!can't wait til you post the rest! Happy 27th birthday Karis!! We love and miss you both! Mom and Dad