Friday, February 20, 2009


The Lord has definitely answered my prayers and sent me not just one, but SIX new friends and a true blessing in the form of the Smith Family!  After feeling so lonely when my family left, it was really hard to focus on enjoying AU rather than wishing away the rest of our time here.  I've been dragging my feet on getting involved and making friends - it's so hard to invest in relationships when I know that just as soon as they're formed, we'll be moving home again.  But wow, does God know the desire of our hearts!  I have wanted and even yearned for a special friend here.  And little did I know that He already had that very friend, who just so happened to be praying the same prayer as me, picked out and on her way to Australia!  I randomly met Candi at my gym when I overheard her say she was from Texas and I noticed her AGGIE ring...which of course meant that I had to go over and say hello to her! :)  Well, God had put this friendship in motion long before that meeting (it's a long story - but it relates back to having the same friends in Texas - thanks Amanda and Jenn!) and so when we finally met, it was as though we already knew each other.  Candi, Clint and their 4 adorable kiddos have become true friends and Tyson and I are so thankful for them!  The kids have even said over and over that we're part of their family now. :)  Which leads me to the pictures below...Tyson and I offered to babysit for Valentine's Day so that Clint & Candi could have a romantic night out together in Perth (they'd only been here for a week!)...and we had a blast with Mackenzie, Kennedy, Reid and Luke!

How cute are they!?  Reid, Luke, Kennedy & Mackenzie.

We made ice cream sundaes!  Yum-yum!!

Tyson and I are totally in with these kids - we bribed them with deliciousness!

Love the smile, Mackenzie!

The bowl is bigger than Luke!

I did warn Candi that there was a slight chance her kids might be really hyper when they got home! :)

We played Wii after sundaes - you know, to work off the calories.

Uncle Tyson, Luke and Reid talking Wii strategy.

I love this picture.

The gorgeous sunset that Candi & Clint were seeing on their date!

WOW!  Look at all the colors!


fleur said...

Yay! I got your email and am so excited for all the answered prayers. We'll keep them up. So sweet of y'all to babysit. Love all those kids' names. Seriously, it's weird b/c I've thought of two of them as potentials for my own kids and the other two have been claimed by my sisters. Crazy. Miss you guys tons - we talk about you all the time. Love you! :)

Rufus said...

Love that Tyson now has the moniker "Uncle" in front of his name. This will help us go head to head in many feats of strength for Festivus.

Uncle Erik's Funky Faith Brigade vs. Uncle Tyson's Groovey Gospel Gang!!!!!!